Are jerseys provided?

The league does not provide jerseys for the teams. Teams must supply your own jerseys. The only guidelines is that your team must be wearing the same color. 

Are practices times provided?

We do not provide practice times for teams. 

How many people can be on a roster?

You can have up to 20 people on your roster. You may add or remove players throughout the regular season. Rosters for the playoffs and will lock the last regular season game day. To remove players from the roster you will need to speak to the athletics staff. Anyone that is playing must be on your roster!

Is this a recreational league or competitive league?

We try our best to have a competitive division and recreational division for each season. If we do not have enough teams for separate divisions, the divisions will be combined. 

What is the required girl to guy ratio for field play?

There must be the same amount of girls and guys on the field. On the field there should be 5 males/5 females. Games must begin with at least eight players (4 male/4 female). If a team at any point only has 7 available players, then that team will forfeit. 

How long are the games?

Teams will play 9 innings or 50 minutes, whichever comes first. 

How old do you have to be to play?

You have to be 16+ when the season begins to play in the league.