T.A.A.F. Archives     


The Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (T.A.A.F.) is an organization that has been providing the residents of Texas the opportunity to compete in amateur athletic events for the past 90 years.  The Colony Parks and Recreation Department has been involved in this organization for many years, allowing our athletic programs and teams to participate in tournaments and events hosted all over the state of Texas.  Here in the T.A.A.F. Archives we recognize our State Champion and State Runner Up teams who have worked hard to represent our city at these events.



Youth Basketball



8 & Under Boys: Daredevils - State Runner Up

12 & Under Girls: TC Hoopsters - State Runner Up

12 & Under Boys: TC Elite - State Champions



8 & Under Boys: Daredevils - State Runner Up

10 & Under Boys: Savage Kings - State Champions

12 & Under Boys: TC Elite - State Runner Up

12 & Under Boys: XPLODE - State Champions



10 & Under Girls: Hoopsters - State Runner Up

12 & Under Girls: Bulls - State Champions

12 & Under Boys: Cougars - State Champions



10 & Under Girls: Lady Cougars - State Champions

12 & Under Boys: Cougars - State Runner Up

12 & Under Girls: Bulls - State Runner Up



10 & Under Boys: Cougars - State Runner Up



10 & Under Girls: Shock - State Champions



8 & Under Boys: Blazers - State Champions

10 & Under Boys: Pistons - State Runner Up



12 & Under Boys: Spurs - State Champions

12 & Under Boys: Lakers - State Runner Up

10 & Under Boys: Warriors - State Runner Up

8 & Under Boys: Pistons - State Champions



10 & Under Boys: Bulls - State Champions



8 & Under Girls: Lil'Magic - State Runner Up



8 & Under Girls: Sting - State Runner Up




Youth Volleyball



12 & Under Strikers - State Runner Up



10 & Under Heat - State Runner Up