Interested in Coaching?

All of the youth leagues run by The Colony Parks and Recreation Department rely on volunteer parents to coach teams. These volunteers are pivotal to making these leagues run and we are always looking for coaches!

Benefits of Coaching?

  • Head Coaches receive registration reimbursement after completing all requirements.
  • Being a positive influence for the youth of the community!

Click here to sign up and to receive more information!

Coaching Paperwork Required

What is required to coach?

  • Background Check - All volunteer coaches must pass a background check and fill out the required forms. Background checks can take 2 or more business days to process depending on the individual. Coaches will not be able to coach or be on the sideline until they have been cleared. Background checks are good for 3 years. 
  • NAYS Online Training - All volunteer head coaches must take the NAYS Online Coaches Training. The department pays and registers all head coaches for these trainings. The trainings consist of a generic training going over coaching and then a sport specific training. 

Coaching Tips, Drills, & Much More

Youth Flag Football

NFL FLAG Playbook 

Playbook made for NFL Flag leagues

MOJO Drill Videos 

Catalog of flag football drill videos

NFL Flag Football Drills

Drills specifically for NFL Flag Football

NFL Flag Football Playbook 

Videos on formations for youth flag football

NFL Flag Football YouTube Channel

A lot of great videos of drills and information

Youth Volleyball

 USA Volleyball Practice Plans

Practice plans from USA Volleyball for different ages

The Art of Coaching

A catalog of drills for youth volleyball

The Best of Volleyball Drills

60 Minute beginner practice plan

Youth Basketball

Jr. NBA Practice Plans

Has full practice plans and video examples for most drills.

MOJO Sports 10 Drills for 6 Year Olds 

Videos of basketball drills for 6 year olds

MOJO Sports App

Free app for coaches with videos of drills & much more!

Drills for Youth Basketball Beginners 

List of drills for beginners.

Current Season Information

Youth Volleyball

  • Coaches Meeting Presentation
  • Rules
  • Important Dates
    • August 26th - Practices Begin
    • September 8th - NAYS Training Must be Completed
    • September 2nd - No Practices (Recreation Center closed for Labor Day)
    • September 14th - First day of games
    • October 14th - No Practices (Recreation Center closed for Columbus Day)
    • Volleyball Coaches Survey

NFL Flag Football

We highly suggest coaches download the MOJO Sports app. MOJO Sports is a company that provides drills, practice plans, and ways to manage your teams.  This is a free app that you can download and utilize to maximize your practices. The app include videos of drills and much more other helpful content. They currently have content on flag football and basketball. 

Click here to go to the MOJO Sports website!